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Monday, January 03, 2011


Movies in the car, Thomas boots and a GIANT Holiday cup filled with caffeinated soda... doesn't get much better!  (That's not Noahs drink btw... Dave fell into peer pressure at work and splurged on a huge, trucker beverage cup.  Apparently everybody's doing it at the office :)
Only 12 days to go people... I'm surprisingly feeling pretty good for having less then 2 weeks left. 


Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Hilarious. One of the guys at work carries around one of those with Dr. Pepper in it all day. We all make fun of him. Wow, counting down to the big day!!!! I can't wait to see pics!!

shannon said...

haha! I love it! My girls ask all day long, "Mom, can I have some of your COke?" hmmmm... not a good start :) Good luck on the new babe! I wish you the BEST!