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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I picked up this move at Goodwill for $.99 and thought it would be fun to have laying around. Dave and I watched it late last night and it was so funny, we were cracking up. I also got so emotional and decided I never want to have daughters because I'll never want to let them grow up and move away! I can remember my Dad saying this to me when I was little "You're never going to grow up are you? You're going to live at home with me forever!" And I happily agreed. Turns out I'm a liar! Haha...


Hayley Anderson Photography said...

99 cents! What a steal! Love that movie.

P.s. Noah's dancing is so cute... he's so graceful!

Lynn said...

Avery says she is only going to grow until she becomes a young teenager then she will stop so she can live with us forever. Unfortunately I did not give her this option and I'm sure that when she becomes a teenager I will certainly not be giving her that option.

Brooke said...

One of my favs, 99cents seriously? I wish we had a goodwill around here!