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Monday, July 09, 2007

My little hunk!

As you can see I have one sweet looking little guy on my hands!
Ooooh I just love him so much!


Anonymous said...

Oh he is so beautiful. Miss him already. Lots of love,

Shanna said...

Okay first off you are such a cute mom. I love hearing the way you talk about your little guy. Just remember this when he is two and driving you crazy!
ha ha!! I am glad you had fun visiting Utah.

Bree said...


How adorable that you remembered my birthday! You are such a babe- and speaking of which, what a cutie! So chunky in the belly!! Must be getting some good eats! :)

He's totally a Mecham in the facial features. Kinda looks like your dad.

Lots of love,

Brooke said...

So I think instead of becoming a hair stylist you should persue your endeavors in writing! Seriously I love your blog. You are so creative and a naturally good writer! Love it! Also, Noah is so cute. I can't believe how big he's getting and so fast! And in regards to the dish cloths below...I totally do stuff like that all the time! Like you said, once a t-bird, always a t-bird!!:)

Jessie Eyre said...

Hey Chelsey---
Was doing a bit of blog surfing while the baby was sleeping and found your blog through Brooke's...
You look fantastic, but I got to tell you, your baby is just a chunk of total cuteness! Isn't being a mom the best?! Visit us!
Jessie (Nichols) Eyre