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Thursday, August 30, 2012

soccer & a few other pictures

This lady kills me!  She'ss into everything!  I can't keep anything clean or organized.  If I straighten it, she messes it up.  If I wipe it, she spills it.  It's hilarious, she really does keep me SO busy!

Noah started soccer!  And I discovered that I'm not a very good soccer mom.  We were 15 min. late, I forgot to bring him a drink (And that created lots of drama) and then he had to pee right during the practice.  I took note of a couple things to remember for next week!   

Another soccer mom pulled through & offered Noah a Diet squirt :)  Ruby definitely enjoyed it!

Ruby loved running around.  It made me wonder why I don't just bring her to an empty park sometimes and let her run off some energy!  Noah liked soccer but kept asking "Are we done yet!??"  It was HOT.  I think he's going to get the hang of it & really enjoy himself!  Loving my new camera lens :)


Chelsea Fenn said...

Ruby is adorable! I love her hair.

Kam Belly Soup said...

looks like a fun time. what park are you guys taking soccer at?