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Thursday, March 19, 2009

We're home

Yesterday was a busy, on the go kind of Day but we made it. Dave had an interview yesterday in Newport Beach and picked us up some (Yummy) Sprinkles cupcakes on his way home. He knows I love cupcakes. It's good to be home and back to business.


Kass Martin said...

Yummy!!! I am back to blogging. It's been forever but I am back and re dedicated! Hurah! Little Fletcher is so cute. So little. So precious. The shower looked fantastic, like something from a magazine. I love both you girls' hair. so cute. I am always in a hair dilema. don't know what I want! Aghh! You look really pretty Chels.

jen said...

We're glad you're back too! Those cupcakes look way cute...what a good hubbie to be thinking of you.