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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Half way to 1 year

Noah had his 6 month doctor appointment today. 6 months? How fast has that gone by? It feels like yesterday my belly was as big as a basketball (Literally) and I couldn't wait for the day when I would meet my darling little man. Miss Nancy and Keslee had already been here waiting for a week. We tried everything we could think of to get Noah out of there, walnuts, walking, and pushing my bike on the sand at the beach. We almost went to the extreme of driving to L.A. to check out this restaraunt that had some "special salad" that was known to put women into labor (Something special in the salad dressing). But finally 7 days late he arrived. What a day! So here we are 6 months later, he conquered his third round of shots today and has been sleeping for the last 4 hours. I woke him once to feed him and he just went right back to sleep, I keep touching his tummy to make sure he is alive! I am so grateful for my little guy, he is such a sweet, patient, happy boy. He is going to be a year before we know it. I am definitely enjoying my time with Noah while he is little! Happy 6 months Lakes!


Carli said...

It seems like yesterday when i arrived at the hospital just in time to be with you. I can still remember the look on your face when i walked in that door! We both started crying "Happy to see each other"! What a wonderful experience it was! We are so glad to have Noah a part of our lives!

Jess Perry said...

The time really does fly by too fast...but I love every moment of it! They grow up so fast!

becky said...

i think that picture is classic...

they grow up way too fast! hold on...

Lynn said...

Walnuts? I had no idea that was a method to try. I love the pic and your a good mom to go to the proper appts. on time, I just did m.'s 6 mo appt finally at 11 months. Now I'm not sure when to do the year appt. 18 months?

kelly said...

it's crazy... time really does fly by!

Sariah said...

Aw,I really can't believe it's been 6 months already! He sure is cute! I love looking at the picture of him holding the snickerdoodle cookie in the post below. lol. So cute!

sara said...

you really are a good mom! i don't think there's enough moms in this world that are excited about being stay at home moms. i'm really glad you're one of those.

sara said...

you really are a good mom! i don't think there's enough moms in this world that are excited about being stay at home moms. i'm really glad you're one of those.

The Reichmans said...

My little guy just turned a year today! It is scary how fast time goes. But I have been thinking about how different life was a year ago and all the crazy stuff I did to try and get him to come. I tried really SPICY foods, walking up and down the quail valley hill and running around the neighborhood at night. Then my doctor just randomly decided to induce me early-i wasn't complaining though.

Brooke said...

They grow up too fast. I totally commented on your country music post. That is too funny.