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Friday, September 14, 2007

Ooooooh baby

Noah has started this new thing where he goes "Ooooooh" his little lips look so funny, it's like he is trying so hard to express himself!
He also LOVES checking himself out in the mirror! He giggles and screams at himself, he thinks he's a babe!


Anonymous said...

Good post cha. thats my boy!

Lynn said...

that is so funny! can we have video of this one?

Carli said...

He is so funny! Where did you buy that blue chair he is sitting in? I need to get me one.

heather telford photography said...

Those faces are so funny!! He is so stinkin cute!! That chair is so smart and funny what is it called..

The Reichmans said...

I love his faces! it is so fun to watch them figure out new things everyday!

Laura said...

Don't you just LOVE the bumbo seat? It is the greatest invention. Your baby is SOOOO adorable! Love your cous!

kelly said...

what a goof ball. i love the faces he is making!

Laura said...

Hey Chelsey! How are you? I don't know how I happened to stumble upon your page, but I'm so glad I did! You look so cute, and congratulations on having a little boy! He's such a doll!

Sariah said...

Those faces are classic! It's his signature face, right?!?! So, cute!