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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Have you felt the bubbles melt?

Introducing chelsey's favorite candy bar, the Aero. I was first introduced to these about 2 years ago when I was in DC visiting my Aunt Virginia. While giving us a tour of the monuments she pulled out her goodie bag filled with Aero bars. It was love at first sight (or taste)! They are SO yummy, the bubbles really do melt in your mouth. If you have not tried them you better rush off to your local World Market and hook yourself up!


kelly said...

i LOVE aero bars. they are the best. if you like those, you might also like violet crumbles! mmmmm

jen said...

Sounds like a good idea! Chels, thanks for your SWEET comment, it almost made me cry. It's so nice to have good friends like you.